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Digital Doctor Platform

An integrated, safe and convenient solution

Digital Heart


Only 3 mins. Our Al-based auto 3D reconstruction and segmentation algorithms allow users to com- plete post-processing workflow with minimal manual interaction and saved time. One biggest breakthroughs of Al has been achieved to auto-detect stenosis with >90% accuracy. (with MDR CE, Class III NMPA cleared)


If you have CoronaryDoc installed, it just takes an- other 5 mins to generate this 3D color-coded CT-FFR model. Accelerate your clinical decision with an instant physiological evaluation for blood flow based on CTA images.


With the objective of easing each step of cardiac imaging. CacScoreDoc provides Al results based on Agatston Score. Its Instant result make an excellent experience.

Cardiac Function

Get myocardium segmentation results in just one click. Our Al auto-calculate ejection fraction and atrium and ventricles volume.

Plaque Imaging

It is an exclusive features for analyzing plaque, helping you tackle most challenging clinical cases based on plaque auto-contour and various quanti- tative measurement.

Easy FAI, Easy TAG

Scientific researches are always your interest. Digi- tal Heart provides additional analysis based on FAI and TAG, giving your reference and establishing database for further interpretation.


MRI imaging's capabilities are always giving poten- tial in precision diagnosis. Our Al algorithms make a sophisticated process to be simplified, obtain MRA results just in one click.

Digital Brain


Head & Neck CTA is a time-consuming post-pro- cessing task for radiographer to complete. Our Al algorithms for image reconstruction and segmen- tation give exceptional post-processed results incredibly faster than ever before. Al-assited lesions detection enhance diagnostic confidence and boost productivity for every radiographers.


A smart Al algorithm enables a fast determination of the amount of salvageable versus nonviable tissue. Getting various parameter and measure- ment results are also given instantly, reducing your workload on processing and helping with a confi- dent diagnosis.

Stroke Doc

Non-enhanced brain CT is crucial to determine cerebral ischemia and hemorrhage. It helps clini- cians clearly visualize tissue with automatic lesion detection and characterization.


Interpreters' results on Aspect Score often vary a lot due to individual interference. Al enables this process to be standard and results to be consistent with high quality. Reducing interference caused by various factors.


Morphologic analysis of aneurysm is important to evaluate rupturing risk. Leverage the power of Al to your work with an advanced capability of dimension measuring, and establish your own da- tabase for research.


An easy to use portal specifically designed for stroke patients rescuing workflow. Saving time spent on switching results between multiple scan- ning. All results for one patient show in one-portal page. Make everything important to be accessed easily.

Digital Chest


Idea for lung nodule screening with increased demanding. Our advanced Al algorithms auto-detects nodule in high performance and exceptional reliability. Making early lung screening easier and more productive than every before. Auto-registering various follow-up exam to achieve opera- tional excellence.

Pneumonia Doc

Innovative Al product developed and refined during busy practice of COVID-19 in 2020. With its effortless lesion inter- pretation and efficient workflow, clinicians get answer with speed and confidence.

Bonetal Doc

Tiny rib fractures may be missed by the human eye. AI has improved bone fraction detection & made it a lot easier than ever before. 


Newly developed Al to characterize emphysema based on thoracic CT scaning. Quantitative measurement of infec- tious area empower you to make focused assessment and accelerate treatment decisions.

Digital Abdomen

LiverMRDoc simplifies your work from the start of imaging workflow

Interpreters' results on Aspect Score often vary a lot due to individual interference. Al enables this process to be standard and results to be consistent with high quality. Reducing interference caused by various factors.

Al Diagnosis based on LI-RADS Guideline

A greatest breakthrough has been made by LiverM- RDoc, which is achieving multiple diagnostic task simultaneously. This is fully automatic Al proce- dure via just one-click, getting yourself with accu- rate results for liver background evaluation (Fatty liver, Cirrhosis and Iron overload). Our Al algorithm also autonomously detects and characterizes lesion in line with LI-RADS guideline. (HCC,Hepatic Cyst,Hemangioma)

Al on Surgery Navigation

LiverSurGo on digital abdomen assists your clini- cians with surgery planning, by providing 3D re- constructed model of liver including segments, lesions and venous. With assisting of Al, clinicians get benefit from precisely quantitative measure- ment of liver segment before and after surgery. Make them to have an easier follow-up confident patient management.